Friday, December 17, 2010

Large Carving Foam For Sale

S. Giuliano Terme plan for the installation mobile repeaters.

Italy of Values \u200b\u200bon the plan to install mobile repeaters.
Rushing for a concrete step towards its final approval.

boosters mobile phones are now an essential tool for communication via phone, not only for voice communication but also for what it is related to the possibility of data transmission and therefore the use of email and other applications. Our life now is determined by the communication and the new way to communicate that, in fact, allowed to break down any border of any kind it was. This premise
to emphasize the important role of communication and infrastructure necessary to it, though, as Italy of Values, we do not want this goal is achieved at the expense of our citizens.
Italy of Values \u200b\u200bin San Giuliano Terme strongly consider the possibility that the antennas for signal transmission dei cellulari possono essere dannosi per la salute umana, e quindi, pur essendo necessari nella vita quotidiana, devono trovare collocazione in zone del territorio densamente poco abitate e lontani da edifici pubblici come scuole, presidi sanitari ecc. Per questo motivo rendiamo pubblica la nostra volontà nel portare un forte stimolo all’amministrazione comunale affinchè in breve tempo sia approvato il piano di installazione per i ripetitori di telefonia mobile, piano legato agli strumenti urbanistici che, in concertazione con i gestori di telefonia mobile, servirà a porre rimedio e limite ad una legge, la Gasparri, che aveva liberalizzato indistintamente l’installazione dei ripetitori telefonici.
Con tale strumento we want to avoid incidents similar to that of July 2009 when in Lidice Street, San Giuliano Terme, a radio repeater was installed cellular base close to some houses and a public school.

Italy of Values \u200b\u200bin San Giuliano Terme

taken from LAVOCEDELSERCHIO of the nation of 16/12/2010 and 17/12/2010


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