here the risks associated with the purchase
Buy a property by auction is not always easy and, as All investments involve a certain amount of risk primarily related to the evaluation of the deal. While there are a number of safeguards and benefits of which we discussed in the previous post is also true that the entire procedure should be studied in every dettagli.
Il punto di partenza deve essere necessariamente quello di porsi una domanda:
Qual'è lo scopo che voglio ottenere dalla partecipazione ad un'asta immobiliare?
In linea di massima le risposte possono essere:
- voglio comprare la casa per me o per i miei cari risparmiando un pò di soldi
- voglio fare un trading immobiliare, ossia comprare con una certa percentuale di sconto, rivendere a prezzo maggiorato e incassare la plusvalenza.
In entrambe le situazioni il rischio maggiore è quello di valutare non correttamente l'immobile in questione. Si devono leggere con molta cura i documenti che il tribunale mette a disposizione per ogni immobile, ed in particolare si deve studiare in modo corretto e oggettivo la perizia .
La perizia è il documento più importante, quello che contiene il maggior numero di informazioni sullo stato giuridico, ipotecario, catastale e tecnico dell'immobile. Inoltre è sulla base della perizia che il giudice deciderà il prezzo di vendita , ossia la base d'asta.
La perizia viene redatta da un tecnico nominato dal tribunale e come tutte le stime può essere diversa se compiuta da due tecnici diversi. Quello che voglio dire è che la perizia va consultata attentamente e valutata in ogni suo aspetto ma poi è indispensabile "pesarla", per capire se il prezzo di vendita impostato the technician is suitable for our purpose. It could happen that the technician has estimated the property with excessive rigidity or on the contrary has evaluated more than what it really is. And, always check and I always tell the date when the report was compiled. Often the expertise you are reading back a couple of years ago and has not said that what was true two years ago is worth 100 100 today.
So the greatest risk is to assess a property in the wrong way. To not fall into this terrible mistake you should do a market analysis of the area and look for the economic demands for similar properties. You can also rely on professionals directly and ask for an evaluation starting from information that the court will make available just as the skill, photos and floor plans.
Once you understand the most likely market price of the apartment take away a 10 or 15%, and you will have the value that will allow you to sell the property faster, unless your goal is to to trade real estate.
Knowing the resale price and the price based auction you can make all the considerations necessary to assess the quality of the deal and the margins for action. Do not forget to include the costs of acquisition and the tax on capital gains taxation.
Another risk is to get caught up in the euphoria the race. During the auction may well find opponents and particularly aggressive at this time is easy to lose sight of our purpose and desire to win because of the finish to offer more than what we had set ourselves. Based on your assessment sets the break even point, ie the maximum bid you can make to meet your goal and never go beyond that figure. Coldness and focus on the ultimate goal is essential.
Personally, I carefully avoided all the properties that come from donations, usufruct, bare ownership, equity funds, allocations and seizures. These types of properties have complex legal situations and may result in legal implications that make our investment a huge loss of money and time. So
always open eyes and brain active, it is true that the auctions are a great opportunity it is equally true that settled hide dangerous to be carefully evaluated.
If you need advice on a particular deal or want more info, write here:
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