Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ski Doo Tundra R 2002

Evaluate and visit the property you are interested

After screening of these auctions in the courts of your interest and the consideration of expert reports, plans and photos you've also found that sales for you can represent good opportunities. Now you need to evaluate the goodness dell'affare e cioè devi capire come quell'immobile si possa collacare sul libero mercato. La domanda che ti devi porre è: a quale prezzo questo immobile può essere rivenduto velocemente sul mercato? Ovviamente per veloce, nel campo immobiliare, si intendono minimo sei mesi ( non stiamo parlando di un sacchetto di patatine!!!). Per trovare la risposta devi fare un'analisi del mercato della zona dove è situato l'immobile. Cerca case simili e confronta i prezzi proposti. Puoi reperire informazioni in tanti modi diversi: riviste di annunci, portali immobiliari su internet e non ultimo andare direttamente presso le agenzie immobiliari della zona. Di solito le valutazioni sono gratuite and agencies often have a database of people interested in a particular type of home. Let me explain: it may happen that you go to the agency to request an assessment of the likely market price on the basis of photographs and their planimentrica and after seeing the features of the building say that you have people who are looking for an apartment just like in that area. It happens more often than you can imagine! With one move you find it: the market price and potential buyers.

order to better assess the real situation of the property is very important to go visit him. Contact the guardian (whose addresses are always present on the boards of the property) and make an appointment. You will see for yourself the state of the property, its features of any work it needs and so many details that only a visit can be noted.
It 'important that when you do not meet current conditions as influenced by the type of furniture and general state of submission. Try to imagine it empty or you see it in the same way you propose it. Do not fall into the trap of subjectivity: if you do not like and you do not buy it does not mean that this applies to everyone. Each house has its buyer, remember, you just go and look . During the visit, be cool and aloof in against the property and assess its commercial potential only.

A final but important detail is to consider the psychological situation of the homeowner. Hardly will welcome you with open arms and will offer you a cup of coffee .... is understandable, he sees you as a vulture, which struck in beaten on his misfortunes. We know that is not true and that perhaps you are his way out of that situation, but often the owners do not enforce this sense this. Be kind and reverence for their condition, never do serenely your ratings.

For more details or specific questions: or

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