activation in full bloom for the Enhancement of
event connects you to the energies of Source Creative
and helps you to open channel flow energy to increase your energy and
help you express your desires more quickly for maximum
well. This is an augmentation system that helps you focus, a
far posto nella tua strada a energie più alte, ad aumentare il tuo potere
personale e a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi.
Sappiamo che tutto è energia – la nostra casa, la nostra auto, i nostri
soldi – noi – tutto è energia. E tutti veniamo dalla Sorgente Creativa. Ciò
nonostante, siccome viviamo in un mondo fisico, spesso siamo
disconnessi dalla Sorgente. Questo accade quando cominciamo a fare
affidamento sui nostri sensi fisici come la vista, l’udito, il tatto, il gusto
e l’olfatto e siamo anche condizionati durante gli anni di formazione a
dipendere esclusivamente da questi sensi per comprendere il mondo.
Col passare del tempo often lose touch with reality and levels of
higher energies because they are intangible to us.
we can neither see nor touch them, etc..
In reality we are always connected to the Source. We can not be
, but since we do involve the lives of everyday
in the physical world, it is easy to lose connection with the truest part of us
. The events in our lives can cause stress and
we direct our attention away from the connections
and spiritual lessons and intangible realms of energies. This in turn can cause
negative energy (thoughts, feelings, etc.) there is
attacking, blocking our energy body, our chakras,
coming sometimes stored in our physical bodies. It can be
that the flow in our bodies and energy channels are blocked and we
we are not able to reach our goals. Sometimes these
negative energies that are stored on our physical bodies
cause disease.
After you something to work you need to start thinking in a positive way
and work in the here and now. Your power is in the present.
The past is gone and the future is not here yet. You exist now, just
now! The past is what they were, not who you are. You have the power to change the future
proprio adesso – un passo alla volta – un obiettivo alla volta.
Inizia a intraprendere le azioni necessarie per farlo succedere. Prima di
tutto devi pensare positivo, poi devi sentirlo – sentire passione per ciò
che vuoi ottenere, perché questo ti da potere, questo ti spinge avanti,
questo ti porterà ad impegnarti per raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi. Devi
impegnarti, altrimenti non potrai ottenerlo. Devi impegnarti per
continuare a focalizzarti sul tuo obiettivo e lavorarci sopra. Poi devi
intraprendere le azioni necessarie nel mondo fisico per trasformare i
tuoi obiettivi e i tuoi sogni in realtà. Viviamo in un mondo fisico che
richiede azioni concrete per dare origine the things you want
occur. This means that you must divide your goal into small steps
more. What are the actions needed to achieve your goals
? On what to do to get what you want?
See, the reason why people often fail to achieve their goals
, that they lose weight or become a writer
best seller, is that they think, feel and act
simultaneously. They do not feel passion for
achieve their goals and this means that they can not or
are not willing to commit to achieving them. This tells the universe
that they do not really want what they want
or are not willing to do what is necessary to get what they want, or do not really think they
to reach it, or get it to be. This
Universe says do not believe that it's worth it, and then the Universe
(who always knows what your true desires and meets them always)
interprets this lack of passion and commitment as if it
he really wanted. So what you never manifests itself.
This is the key to the manifestation of whatever you want it
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