Every disease is a message that comes from our body, our energy and our soul . The disease is more severe and longer and we are distant from ourselves immersed in mind and in the confusion of the world. When the body suffers, when the heart suffers, when our inner life is bad, it means that we lost, we have distanced ourselves from our needs, from life, existence. Our body is designed to be comfortable, to enjoy life, to celebrate the soul, and every obstacle to happiness is a block that we have in mind and which prevents us from love each other: irrespective of religions, beliefs and behaviors social.
There are thousands and thousands of illnesses, because so many are the messages we receive: first as an external signal, then as a guidance in our lives and then as a real disease! And the more we are hard and distant from ourselves and be more serious problems and diseases.
treat diseases with traditional medicines and natural is not enough. Should stop ad ascoltare il messaggio che c'è dietro ogni malattia, e creare un canale diretto con il corpo, le emozioni, il cuore per domandare ai nostri organi come stanno e non dipendere da una persona esterna.
Questo ci riporta al centro della nostra vita, tornado ad essere responsabili per ciò che ci succede e per tutte le piccole o grandi scelte che facciamo. Non ci sono malattie incurabili, occorre solo ascoltare la propria anima! Anche nelle malattie allo stadio terminale possiamo agire: c'è sempre una possibilità che in un istante, davanti alla morte, una persona possa incontrare la propria anima, l'infinito, Dio!
Occorre ripartire dal corpo: dai suoi needs, its messages, its rhythms and life changed immediately to make him feel good. It should clean up their heads and emotions to not destroy the confusion of the mind. Should stop and listen to your heart opens and you can contact the soul.
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