Sunday, December 19, 2010

What Is The Seventh Circle

Ciacchini December 2010: at the level of the antennas IDV reinvent the wheel



The IDV in terms of location of the antennas, has discovered the hot water.

SAN GIULIANO - The instrumental typical of a disinformation campaign eternal party center-left and in this case of 'IDV, which never surrender to defeat, barbarized our policy and create "unknowingly" the conditions , to ignite the fuse of violence in so many idiots, who then often become responsible for the violence and devastation.

The case of the antenna installed on a Lidice in San Giuliano Terme, is a prime example to clarify the regulatory issues that govern the issue of mobile telephony and precisely as a result of this particular case, the undersigned, strongly oppose and involving the press, public opinion, the City Council with interrogazionie and motions and the prosecutor's office, prompted the Mayor and his administration to provide the town of San Giuliano Terme, with eight (8) years of delay, "plan for the location of antennas on the basis of 'art. 8 Section 6 Act 36/2001 issued by the government each friend Amato.La was born on 4/21/2008 when the Telecom, making use of the Gasparri Law, the Legislative Decree 259/2003 in the absence of the plan just because of the location of antennas under the law cited above, asking permission to install the municipality 's via antenna in Lidice, the town responds negatively on 11/20/2008 not granting the permission, because it is inconsistent with art. 48b of the planning rules, not to give the Tar Telecom used to Tuscany, the Tar holding invalid Article .48 b by Telecom reason for which, on the basis of this, together with advice ARPAT, USL, etc ... , Presents the DIA 07/13/2009 and ready for use. Consequently, the municipality ordered the suspension of work at the Telecom giorno 28-07-2009,"perchè in assenza di titolo abilitativo",la Telecom certa della legittimità ricorre nuovamente al Tar Toscana,il quale per la seconda volta sconfessa il comune dando ragione alla Telecom.

 Finalmente il Sindaco intuisce che forse è meglio imboccare la via maestra, e da l'avvio, con delibera della giunta n° 227 del 14-07-2009,per la formazione del piano comunale di installazione degli impianti di radiotelecomunicazioni,che viene successivamente progettato dalla Polab srl del polo tecnologico di Navacchio,presentato ed approvato in un consiglio comunale di fine novembre 2009,è pacifico che in conseguenza a ciò,alcun gestore di telefonia non potrà installare le proprie antenne,senza first be agreed with the common location. The attempt of IDV accolpare the Gasparri Law Decree 259/2003 is pitiful, as even the Council of State by order No. 1612 of 4/6/2004, said that the municipality is not precluded from exercising urban planning, the power to locate these works in certain areas of the territory and an evaluation of the chief telephony infrastructure, the municipality may by virtue of Law 36/2001, in its urban planning tools introduce a special discipline to govern the phenomenon under consideration, adjusting the location of these facilities in relation to specific areas or areas of the town and without power supply for ai gestori la soluzione più comoda ed economica,precisando inoltre che la regolamentazione,per il corretto insediamento urbanistico degli impianti in oggetto,a norma delle legge quadro sull'inquinamento elettromagnetico ( 36/2001 ), NON E' STATA ABROGATA DAL D.LGS 259/2003 ( LEGGE GASPARRI ), NEPPURE IMPLICITAMENTE.

E' proprio in base a questa ultima precisazione del Consiglio di Stato, che i disinformati politici locali dell' IDV, dovrebbero evitare di spargere menzogne, poiche ciò che è accaduto a San Giuliano Terme e ciò che sta accadendo a Pisa, a Calci, a Vecchiano, è proprio per colpa di quelle amministrazioni comunali che non si sono dotate dell strumento del "piano di localizzazione delle antennas "in 2001 and 48 Ter unlawful as determined by the Tar Tuscany, managers in a legal vacuum has been possible to make use of the" Electronic Communications Code "Legislative Decree 259/2003 (the Gasparri Law).
advisor to the group Joint
Valerio Ciacchini


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