Small Cock Comparsons
Marina di Pisa, Administration Manager and moving the antenna. Application for appointment of counsel Marina di Pisa, Administration Manager and moving the antenna.
afternoon was held at the Aula Magna of the Middle School "Niccolò Pisano" Via Flavio went, No. 3 a 'public meeting on "Issues of mobile antenna" promoted by Territorial Council Form No. 1 of Pisa Coast. He did the honors, the President of the CT, P.1 Virginia Mancini, who had now turned to have this meeting, presenting the many speakers, parents of kindergarten children, CTP1 advisers, entrepreneurs and ordinary citizens, the leaders of the City: Mayor Filippeschi in the head with the Councilor reference Cerri, architect Guerrazzi accompanied from technical reins over to the President of the Park and Lunardi Headmaster and Alderman Ciccone. The first question the president Mancini was immediately clear and direct: "when and where the antenna will be moved?" L "Councillor Cerri, before responding stated that the antenna in question has been received all permits required by all 'administration. The draft submitted by the operator Wind meets regulatory requirements and has received the go ahead to ARPAT, ASL for the problems of issuing elettomagnetica and the Superintendency for the landscape impact. He then confirmed the availability of Wind and the Municipality of moving to another site to place at least 500 meters to the south and further inland into the woods, checking the possible placement with the Park. The President Lunardi has been available for verification for a new site. The City Council Maffi has pointed to the shortcomings of the municipal offices of the CTP and Burch asked a specific time for the move. In many of the Assembly requested confirmation of the passage of the practice by municipal offices to those of the Superintendent and finally taking note of the approval by the latter, the Assembly has strongly protested, noting not as permissive attitudes towards the inhabitants of the coast in countless predicaments of lesser impact and importance. Horses president of Palpa, underlining the lack of concerted intervention, has suggested moving the antenna site, presumably owned by the city, used as the basis of the old watch tower for forest fires. Mrs. Ruberti response to the Mayor signing a contract with Wind for € 16 thousand per annum for the rent of land occupied by the antenna, ha ribadito se non fossero individuabili posizionamenti diversi, anche su strutture private come ad esempio il campanile della chiesa vicina. Il Sindaco, prendendo atto dei suggerimenti ricevuti, ha prospettato quindi l’ottimizzazione della nuova istallazione dell’antenna da valutare con una verifica tecnica nel giro di una quindicina di giorni, di darne relazione al CTP1 e ad alcuni rappresentanti del “comitato” prima di Natale, per poi ripetere un’assemblea pubblica a gennaio. Tratto dal MARINESE di Maurizio Nerini
John F.
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