Coffee Shop
The term coffee-shop shows the local authorized by the state to sell small quantities of soft drugs.
The maximum amount of drugs that can be sold is 5 grams per person per day. This limitation was established for medical purposes, is not to allow the export of such foreign substances (marijuana, hashish, hallucinogenic mushrooms), and to give way to those who use them to feel addicted without taking drugs heavy. Generally, within these you can eat, try and compare the effects of different varieties of soft drugs, also receiving advice from sellers. The coffee-shop owners must also avoid any kind of advertising to your local ban entry to minors, and they face the immediate lifting of the license if your internal hard drugs are consumed.
In most coffee-shop is also forbidden to serve alcoholic beverages.
If you want to avoid nasty surprises you avoid the coffee shop more mainstream, especially the chains (such as Bulldog and Kandiski, good mostly for gadgets), and those in the Red light district, most of these coffee shops are in fact very popular and the quality of products is rather low.
Among the many coffee shop without a doubt the stand out Smokey (Rembrandtplein 24) for marijuana (the deadly white widow, Ak 47 and Super Skunk) and the Blues Brother (Nieuwendijk 89) per l'Hash (il Nepal Finest ovvero la prima di zero di Nero Nepalese รจ veramente fuori dal mondo).
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